Digitale Demenz -


Die Gefahren von

digitalen Medien bei


Here is a short motiondesign project that picks out the so called "digital dementia" as a central theme. The film wants to tell you the negative effects of digital media on our brain, our body and our social skills.
Dr. Manfred Spitzer - Vortrag über die Auswirkung der di - gitalen Medien auf die kognitive Entwiicklung.
2 Min. Jahr: 2015
52 Min. Jahr: 2020
79 Min. Jahr: 2017

Digitalisierung schädigt

die Kinder

Auswirkung digitaler

Medien auf kognitive


80 Min. Jahr: 2020
Tiefenpsychologie als Basis für das Verständnis zum Verstehen von kindlichem Gemüt. Eltern und Lehrer kön - nen im Schatten der Digitaliesierung die Notbremse zie - hen, damit Kinder noch einen normalen Entwicklungsprozess durchleben können.
Wie sieht eine gesunde Nutzung digitaler Medien aus? Kinder und die digitalen Medien, welche Gefahren sind die ausgesetzt?

Medizinische Aspekte von


Prof. Dr. Alexander Lerchl - Vortrag über die Medizinischen Aspekte von 5G.
22 Min. Jahr: 2019

The Dangers of

Unregulated Artificial


2020, a research division of the U.S. Department of Defense conducted an exercise mission using autono - mous drones and vehicles. Artificial Intelligence provided by, among others, Google, Amazon and Microsoft, is now increasingly used to enhance military capability. In an at - tempt to keep up with technology, governments around the world are starting to make new rules. Meanwhile, key ethical questions regarding autonomous technology re - main unanswered.
4 Min. Jahr: 2021
US defense expert Jay Tuck was news director of the daily news program ARD-Tagesthemen and combat cor - respondent for GermanTelevision in two Gulf Wars. He has produced over 500 segments for the network. His in - vestigative reports on security policy, espionage activities and weapons technology appear in leading newspapers, television networks and magazines throughout Europe, including Cicero, Focus, PC-Welt, Playboy, Stern, Welt am Sonntag and ZEITmagazin. He is author of a widely ac - claimed book on electronic intelligence activities, “High- Tech Espionage” (St. Martin’s Press), published in fourteen countries. He is Executive Producer for a weekly technology magazine on international television in the Arab world. For his latest book “Evolution without us Will AI kill us?” he researched at US drone bases, the Pentagon, intelligence agencies and AI research instituti - ons. His lively talks are accompanied by exclusive video and photographs.
17 Min. Jahr: 2010

Artificial Intelligence: it

will kill us - Jay Tuck